Website FAQ's
- Getting Started
- 7 Day Free Trial
- Phone Conferencing
- Operator Assisted
- Web Conferencing
- Webinars
- Webcasting
- WebInterpoint
- Busy Signals
- International Access
- Support
- Pricing
- Billing
- About Infinite Conferencing™
Getting Started
1. How quickly can I be set up with an account for phone and web conferencing?
During business hours (weekdays 8am – 8pm, Eastern time, excluding holidays), within 15 to 30 minutes of faxing us your completed application form. You should call us at 1.888.203.7900 or 1.973.671.0040 if your phone and/or web conference is starting soon and you’re in a hurry.
2. Do I have to use the phone and web conferencing together or can I use them separately?
You can use them together or separately. We charge for them separately, however.
3. Do you require a contract?
We do not require a contract from you and there are no setup fees. Our standard pricing is “per-minute” and with this rate structure we do not impose any monthly minimum charges. We do require an application form with your signature to ensure that you will pay for any usage of the services.
4. Do you offer training for your services?
Yes, we offer extensive training through your dedicated account manager or event coordinator at no charge. Depending upon what services you are planning to use, you may not need training; for example, our Reservationless phone conferencing is very easy to use.
5. Do I call you to schedule a conference?
Not usually. Most of our customers use our on-demand, automated phone and web conferencing for their everyday meetings; no reservation required. Larger conferences and those with special needs are more likely to need our “Operator-Assisted” phone conferencing, which does require a reservation.
6. How many people can join my conference?
Our automated phone and web conferencing accommodates up to 100 attendees by default. Call or email us if you may need to go over 100 with one of these services, please. Operator-assisted phone conferences and webcasts can handle thousands of attendees.
7. What is the difference between Operator-Assisted and Reservationless phone conferencing?
Reservationless phone conferencing does not require advance reservation,it is fully automated, and available 24x7x365. You receive permanent dial-in numbers and entry codes and can use it any time; it’s on-demand. Operator-Assisted phone conferencing is for larger and/or more complex events and requires an advanced reservation. Typically, an operator greets all callers and gathers their contact information, introduces the speakers, monitors the entire conference, moderates live Question & Answers (Q&A) sessions and more.
7 - Day Free Trial
1. How does the free trial work?
The 7-day free trial allows you to utilize our automated phone and web conferencing services at no charge to determine if they will meet your needs.
1. How does Infinite compare to WebEx and LiveMeeting?
Both are excellent products but we stack up very well. Many former WebEx and LiveMeeting customers have told us so. We typically surpass the competition in support and flexibility.
Phone Conferencing
Reservationless Phone Conferencing
1. How will I be able to know who attended the call?
During the conference call you can perform a roll call by dialing “#1”. Assuming you have name recording turn on (this is turned on by default), the system will play back the names of all callers. Only you, as Chairperson, will hear the roll call. After the conference, you will receive an automated email detailing the usage on your conference call. We can’t provide names unless you have activated PIN codes, however, we do provide you with the number they called from. You also receive this information on your invoice at the end of each month.
2. How many people can our product accommodate?
Our Reservationless (automated, 24x7 on-demand) service allows up to 100 callers by default. We can set it higher, but you will need to call us.
3. How secure is your service?
The service is as secure as your dial-in number and entry codes. Additionally, you have the ability to lock the conference at any time by dialing “*5”. Once you have locked the conference, nobody else can enter/listen, including our operators. Another option for highly secure conferences is turning on PIN codes for your account. This requires all callers to be setup in advance with a unique code.
4. How do I record my conference call?
Once dialed in as the Chairperson, you simply dial “*8” and follow the system prompts. For more detailed information and a user’s guide, click here. Once you have recorded the conference call, it remains in your account until you record again and overwrite it. Click here for instructions on giving people on-demand access to your recording via phone. See below for getting a digital copy of your recording.
5. What is a WAV file?
WAV is a common digital file format. When you record your conference call it is stored on our system as a digital file in the WAV format. Virtually all computers now come with free software (media players) that can play the WAV file through the computers speakers.
6. How can I get a WAV file?
If you want a WAV file of your recording, you must order it from us by contacting your account manager or calling Customer Service. Be sure to tell us before you make a new recording and overwrite this file. We copy the WAV to a server with public access and send you the link via email.
7. How long does it take to receive my recording and what format will it be sent in?
The link to your WAV file will be emailed to you, generally, within about 1 hour of your conference conclusion. If you want a WAV file of your recording, you must order it from us by contacting your account manager or calling Customer Service. Access to your recording via telephone is available immediately afterwards.
8. Do I call you to schedule a conference?
Unless you think you may have more than 100 callers, you do not need to “schedule a conference” with us at all. The service is available 24x7, on-demand. Just give your conference invitees the date and time, the dial-in number, and the Participant Entry Code.
9. What additional features do you offer for Reservationless phone conferencing (mute, etc.)?
Some of the features that are included in the Reservationless phone conferencing service are: No reservation required, automated 24/7 service , hosts up to 100 people (can be expanded if desired), permanent Toll-free Dial-in number and entry codes, global Access and international dial-ins, free wallet cards for each user, billing code option, *0 operator support, 24X7 phone and email support, chairperson dial-out capability, automated recording and playback options, detailed invoice with cost center breakdown, and emailed phone usage summary report.
10. How do I change my room features?
In the near future we will allow you to do this online, but for now please contact your account manager or Customer Service.
11. Why would someone choose Operator-Assisted instead of Reservationless?
Conference calls that are very large and/or complex are often better off using professional operators. The following are just a few examples of features only available with an Operator-Assisted conference call that can add a professional polish to your event: toll Free and toll (for international callers) dial-in with live operator, operator monitoring, sub-conference, communications line, presentation mode, music hold, polling, questions and answers, and security/conference lock.
12. How can I not have people on the phone that I don't want in a particular call?
Change your Participant Entry Code, lock your conference, or turn on PIN codes.
13. Can I have multiple chairpersons in conference?
Yes. Multiple callers may use the Chairperson Entry Code. All Chairpersons will have access to the Chairperson-only features.
14. If I don’t use my codes for a certain period of time do they expire?
We have never deactivated codes or accounts for inactivity in the past. In the future, should we decide to do so, you will be given plenty of advance notice via phone and email.
Operator - Assisted and Event Phone Conferencing
1. What services do I get with an Operator-Assisted conference that I don't get with the automated service?
Operator-Assisted conferences are for those that need a professionally run conference. Here are just a few of the services that are can be included: live operator to greet each caller and collect contact information, sub-conference with multiple speakers in advance, lead operator gives real-time updates of audience counts and takes last minute script changes, lead operator to introduce speaker(s) and make announcements from your script, fully moderated questions and answer (Q&A) session (muting and unmuting of callers lines and introduction of those with questions), real-time monitoring and troubleshooting (i.e. sound quality, dialing out to missing speakers, etc.), operator announcements at the end of the conference call.
2. How do I record?
Just tell us that you want it recorded when you make your reservation. We take care of the rest.
3. How will I be able to know who attended the call?
For a small additional fee, we will send you a Participation Report which provides all the contact information our operators gathered from each caller prior to the conference call starting.
Web Conferencing
1. How many people can your product accommodate?
WebInterpoint accommodates up to 100 by default – with no advance reservation required. If you might have more than 100 showing up, please let us know in advance so we can change your account settings.
2. How secure is your service?
Highly. Attendees must know the date and time of your conference, the login page URL, and the Participant Entry Code to get in. All sessions use SSL encryption to keep hackers from spying on your meetings.
3. What are the major differences between per-minute web conferencing and flat rate web conferencing (payment options and features)?
Our default pricing for WebInterpoint is per-minute; you pay only for actual usage – by the minute, per person connected. Per-minute pricing is a post-pay model; we invoice you at the end of each month based on actual usage. Our flat-rate model is a subscription-like service; you pre-pay monthly for “Rooms”. The number of Rooms you buy defines how many simultaneous meetings you can have. The size of the Room (the number of attendees it will accommodate) determines the rate you pay.
4. If I use WebInterpoint, do I have to use your phone conferencing?
No, but for 3 or more participants, you should probably consider it.
5. Can you record my web conference?
Yes we can, please click here for complete details on recording a web conference and the related charges.
6. How long does it take to receive my recording and what format will it be sent in?
If your recording requires little or no editing, it will be ready within approximately 48 business hours. The format of the media file is QuickTime.
7. Is Remote Control a separate service?
No, Remote Control and application/desktop sharing are included features of WebInterpoint. Also, our user guide gives a good overview of most features and how to initiate them.
8. If I don’t use my codes for a certain period of time do they expire? Do I need to reactivate my account?
We have never deactivated codes or accounts for inactivity in the past. In the future, should we decide to do so, you will be given plenty of advance notice via phone and email.
1. What is a Webinar and what makes it different than a Web Conference?
The name implies, it is a Web-based seminar. Webinars:
-Are typically larger than a Web conference, less interactive, and more formal.
-Tend to be scheduled much further in advance.
-Usually are advertised on the Web and through emailed invitations.
-Many times they require an advance registration.
-Sometimes require a registration fee.
1. What is a Webcast and what makes it different than a Web Conference?
The name implies, it is a Web-based broadcast. Webcasts:
-Tend to be larger than both Web conferences and Webinars, and even less interactive than a Webinar.
-Generally have audio streaming (audio delivered via the internet), and sometimes video streaming.
WebInterpoint - Web conferencing
1. The system is telling me I have to turn off my pop-up blockers. How do I do that?
Right click on the pop-up blocker and click on the “Allow Pop-up blocker” message.
2. The system is telling me I need to install Java Virtual Machine. How do I do that?
Go to and click the “Download Software” button on the top-left.
Busy Signals
1. I’m getting busy signals when dialing in to a phone conference. What should I do?
If you are dialing the toll-free access number and getting a busy signal, try dialing the local access number (advertised for international access). If this fails, call Customer Service at 1.888.203.7900 or 1.973.671.0040. We can either give you an alternate access number or dial out to you from the phone conferencing system.
International Access
1. How do international callers gain access to my phone conference?
You should have been given a local access number (toll-paid / non toll-free) for people calling in from abroad. If you have lost or misplaced this access number call Customer Service at 1.888.203.7900 or 1.973.671.0040.
1. Do you offer live technical support and when is it available?
Yes, we offer live technical support during our business hours (8am – 8pm, ET, all weekdays except USA national holidays).
2. I lost my codes, how can I find them?
Call your account manager or Customer Service at 1.888.203.7900 or 1.973.671.0040.
3. I signed up and was told I would be receiving wallet cards, why haven’t I received them yet?
They should arrive within 5 business days of your account being setup. If 5 days have passed and you still have not received them, please call your account manager or Customer Service at 1.888.203.7900 or 1.973.671.0040.
1. Do you require a contract?
We do not require a contract from you and there are no setup fees. Our standard pricing is “per-minute” and with this rate structure we do not impose any monthly minimum charges. We do require an application form with your signature to ensure that you will pay for any usage of the services.
2. Do you have any additional fees, contractual terms, or setup fees?
3. How much do I need to conference to get the volume discounts you mention?
We offer volume discounts starting at 1,000 minutes per month. Just show us a recent invoice and we’ll start you off with us at a discounted rate.
4. What is the fee for your service?
We have a wide variety of services, so it depends on what service(s) you utilize. Please contact our sales team at 1.888.203.7900 or 1.973.671.0040 for a competitive quotation.
5. How much does it cost to make a recording of my phone conference?
There is no charge to record the conference. If callers listen to the recording via phone, you are charged at the same per-minute rate as your live conference dial-in usage. If you require a digital file (WAV format) of the recording, we charge $35 to post the file to publicly reachable server.
6. How much does it cost to make a recording of my web conference?
Please click here for complete details on recording a web conference and the related charges
1. Can I update my billing information online?
Not yet, that capability is coming soon. Please call Customer Service or email to update your billing information.
2. How can I get a copy of a past invoice?
Call Customer Service or email This feature will be available online soon.
3. What is the past due amount on my invoice from?
Any unpaid charges as of the invoice date. For more specifics, please call Customer Service or email us at
About Infinite Conferencing™
1. How long has Infinite Conferencing™ been in business?
Infinite Conferencing™ was founded in January, 2001. Read all about us.
2. Can I have some references?
Yes. Please contact your account manager for references. Based on what services you intend to use, we will contact 2 or more current customers with similar usage and seek their approval for you to contact them directly.